Category Archives: plumbing

We’re Back (bathroom #2 love)

So it’s been a while. What’s more, is the latest project has taken, well, a while. Here was weird upstairs room when we bought the house last May:

<img src="IMG_1119.JPG” alt=”” />

Maybe it was a weird nursery room, maybe someone was tied up in there, who knows. Just a carpeted room with a window. After 14 years in the trades, I was owed big favors from my pals. Bob, my plumber pal, came thru with a soaker tub that had been sitting in their shop for years untouched. A mis-order. He also had a toilet, and a pedestal sink with no pedestal. None of these fixtures “matched”, but the price was right: $0. The drop-in tub didn’t really fit, but I ‘made it’ fit. We bought a pedestal for $40, and got the other fixtures, and then began the arduous construction of the custom tub surround.

Side note: I hate tile. Like, REALLY hate tile. People act like it’s impervious to everything. Word to the wise: tile is waterproof, grout is not. When grout is compromised, it rots underneath, but you can’t see it.

This explains why I did our built-in all in cabinet plywood and paint-grade hardwood. Yes, I know it will get wet. I think I will battle this by “drying it off”. Novel idea, eh? Today was the last of many cobbled together work sessions over months and months of building. Painting can now start. Here’s some shots of the new shizz:

<img src="IMG_6230.JPG” alt=”” />

I put in some hidden removable panels for storage, and to access the valves for repair. If you have the room, always add a hidden panel. They rule.

Here’s the part that faces the tub side:

Tons of storage. Painted pics to follow.

P.S. – Fall Garden rocking with beets and broccoli!

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Filed under cabinets, paint, plumbing, Tacoma

Little bit of bathroom love…

In the beginning…

Demo begins…

No turning back. Ceiling has been ripped out over tub. Wiring about to start.

New throne. New sheetrock and paint. Fancy stuff added. New flushmount light/fan combo installed, and ceiling over toilet part of bathroom and archway have been raised.


Demo begins…

New sheetrock is in. Scalloped tub to be salvaged because it looks fucking killer.

You can see the vault over the tub area here. New light fixtures, new window, and new tile. New paint is very, very light mint green (almost white). I loves it.

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Filed under demolition, electrical, house, paint, plumbing, sheetrock, Tacoma, tile

A Few More Pics…

BATHROOM POST SHEETROCK – Right after this I noticed a soft spot in the floor in front of the tub (under the bag of insulation in the photo) and had yet another marathon sesh of rot-repair.

LIVING ROOM – after patching in the sheetrock in the living room to cover up the new plumbing. I posted this pic of the windows just because I like the footprint on the plastic.

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Filed under house, plumbing, sheetrock, Tacoma

Holy Crap…

…I’m beat tired. Here’s some pics to get you all up to speed:

Found behind the old medicine cabinet. “Remodeled 9/24/82”, “sink, cabinet and lights Pay-N-Pak 38th Street Mall”, and some personal info graced this message under 1/4″ of sheetrock, then 3/8″ plywood coated in some weird paper, then 1/4″ of plywood, then lath and plaster. I wonder how much square footage I gained after removing all those layers of crap.

Shot of my future throne. I ripped out the flat ceiling over the tub and put in a dropped vaulted lid. New can lights in that section, and a new fart-fan/light combo over in the toilet area.

Window in my future throne room. This will be a new vinyl unit next Friday. It leaked and the frame was shot, causing some of my rot frustrations earlier in the week.

Future home of dishwasher (I’ve never owned one in my life), sink, and other cabinet-related items. I’ll fix the food to get my eat on here sometime soon. Added new outlets, redid the wiring and plumbing. Not one ounce of galvanized piping exists in this house after yesterday.

Window in living/dining room. On either side you’ll see the walls demo’d out for running plumbing for the new bathroom on the second floor. The chase on the left for the wife’s new throne and pedestal sink upstairs, the chase on the right for the bathtub. The bottles in the window helped me to understand just what in the hell I was doing.

Sheetrock began today, will be done by Monday-ish. Cabinet assembly starts tomorrow. Pics coming soon. Whew…


Filed under demolition, electrical, house, plumbing, Tacoma